You tell me what is important to you and what your key message is – I will do the rest.
With expertise and the right amount of emotion, my speeches are short, yet inspiring and with a long-lasting impact. Choose me for meetings or company events – as your speaker or facilitator. I have a unique approach, using passion and humour to get people excited about your chosen topic. I will support you with my contagious energy and enthusiasm.
What people say about me
“Every one of Dr. Greco’s ideas is dynamic and motivational. Dr. Greco draws on her own immeasurable experiences to come to funny and surprising conclusions based on the life of a working mother and international business woman.
Dr. Barbara Holzer
WIFI Wien (Vienna) – Event manager SMEs
“Thank you for your fantastic speech. Not many people are so comfortable on stage!”
Alexander Farkas
CMC – KEY Consult
“It was a real pleasure to play in your orchestra with you as the conductor. It was great how you made it so easy for us to take the stage with your individual, personalised introduction. I won’t go into detail about your key note speech, except to say that it was masterful.”
Heinz Goldemund
Team Goldemund Consulting
“I would like to take this opportunity to compliment you on your extremely professional and charming key note speech. Thank you.”
Chief architect Ing. Wolfgang Kiss
Baumeister Kiss
“We were delighted with your brilliant key note speech.”
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